How do you fancy winning a pair of tickets to see comedian Rob Deering at The Slade Rooms THIS THURSDAY? (find out more about Rob below!)
We have 3 pairs to giveaway! - details below!
"There is no fake front with Deering. What you see is what you get: an hour of silliness and fun with a fantastic backing track."
"A born entertainer and a more than competent musician, Deering has skilfully combined observational stand-up and music for a show that gets his audience not just laughing, but dancing in the aisles."
Do you want to enter? It's simple ....
If you are on FACEBOOK:
1. Head to the Rob Deering at Slade Rooms EVENT PAGE on Facebook - click here to get to it- http://bit.ly/dsU0Xv
2. Click to say that your are attending (it's ok - we won't hold you to it!!)
3. Write a message on the wall. (one message per person)
4. We will put all your names in the hat, and draw 3 out at 10am Thursday morning
If you are on TWITTER
1. send this message out in full "I want to see @deeringrob at @wolvescivic on Thu 9 Sept - http://bit.ly/cAtvhR" and we'll put your name in the hat too. Again, one entry per person!
See, I said it was simple.
We caught up with Rob this week to find out more about him!!
How did you become a comedian/were you a funny kid at school?
I used to find spurious reasons for making announcements in assembly at school, just so I could try and get laughs. I always did comedy-ish performancy things, but I didn't get into stand up til I shared a house with a comedian in my late twenties. I had an a-ha! moment*, it was like coming home.
* Not THAT A-ha.
If you weren't a comedian, what would you be doing?
I'd like to think I'd be some kind of music legend, but I'd probably be writing jingles.
Which comedians inspired you when you were young?
I didn't come to comedy as a comedy fan, if you see what I mean. Early on working with Lee Mack was an inspiration. I aspire to the clown/music, clever/stupid blend Steve Martin had going on back in his stand up days.
Which current comedians are you rating?
Elis James, Nick Helm and Andi Osho are all good. I generally prefer up-and-coming acts not to be funny though - they're less threatening that way.
Have you always been a musician? How did it end up in your act?
As a teenager I was a completely humourless musician - which didn't sit well with my personality at all. I wanted to be the next Robert Smith. When I started out in comedy music didn't feature. Then I was resident compere at a gig where one of the regular acts would bring a guitar along, so I made up a couple of jokes to play on it. Guitar-in-my-act grew from there to the point where now I'm not so much a one-man band as a one-man comedy Woodstock.
What kind of music are you into? You make some varied references in your shows!
Oh I'm eclectic, fo sho. But the music in my act isn't about my taste, it's about the entire popular music canon. At home I'm still a magpie, but there's a lot more esoterica and a lot less rock guitar on my itunes than you'd imagine.
For people who haven't seen you live before, what can they expect?
To have their entire life changed forever by the pure power of entertainment. Some gurning.
Will there be random humiliation? (a.k.a. audience participation?)
There won't be humiliation, but I will be interactive - it's not a monologue!
What are your plans for the future - rest of 2010 and beyond?
This tour continues to Christmas, plus my pop quiz Beat This returns to it's regular slot in London. And I'm writing a film. In 2011? International superstardom and ultimately world peace. Failing that, I'll be off to the Edinburgh Festival again.
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